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Allen Health Dept

Serving Residents of Allen County

Though its name and services evolved over more than 150 years, the Allen County Department of Health has a storied history serving residents of Fort Wayne and its surrounding communities.

Historical Timeline
Board of Health Created

State of Indiana passes the enabling legislation allowing for the creation of the Fort Wayne Board of Public Health.

Smallpox Quarantine Imposed

A mandatory 18-day quarantine is imposed for any pupil exposed to smallpox.

Milk ad
Meat & Milk Licenses

The first meat and milk licenses are issued. Milk merchants must declare the number of wagons used to deliver milk in Fort Wayne to obtain permits.

Home Quarantine Rules Established

Rules for quarantining households are adopted.

Spanish flu article
Spanish Influenza Pandemic Arrives

Physicians are ordered to report all cases of influenza coming to clinics whether mild or severe to the Health Department. Schools are required to send every pupil or teacher with a severe cold, cough or sneezing to their doctor.

Ridding City of Rats

A health campaign to rid the city of rats was started, since the pests had "accumulated during past years when garbage collection was difficult due to war and manpower shortage."

Venereal Disease Clinic Created
Ordinances & Campaigns Developed

A food & beverage ordinance was written and passed for greater consumer safety. A Water Cross Connection campaign was also developed due to increasing water pollution issues.

Rabies Epidemic in City

The city declares an emergency and is placed under a quarantine due to an ongoing rabies epidemic.

Polio Epidemic at Worst

The polio epidemic is the worst in Fort Wayne history, with 45 cases and 5 deaths at that point.

State Requires Student Immunizations

A new Indiana law requires schools to report the disease immunization records for each student. The city and county health departments also begin to discuss a merger.

Tuberculosis Clinic at Byron

The Board of Heath establishes a TB clinic at the Irene Byron Hospital.

City County Dedication booklet
Health Department Moves Downtown

The Health Department moves to the City-County Building (now Rousseau Center) in downtown Fort Wayne. A rodent control division is established and a commercial swimming pool and beach ordinance is adopted.

Mosquito Spraying Demanded

The public begins to demand spraying for mosquitoes with the emergence of St. Louis Encephalitis.