The Department licenses and regulates facilities like retail food, lodging and tattoo & body piercing establishments; public swimming pools; and septic systems for the health and safety of the community.
Looking for a Licensing Application or Form?
Whether you're a retail food establishment, hotel or a public swimming pool, find the downloadable license application or form in one, easy-to-access place.

Ensuring the Health & Safety of Guests in Allen County
The Department of Health's Vector Control & Healthy Homes Program permits and inspects all hotels and motels in Allen County to ensure establishments are safe, appropriately maintained and free from pests that spread disease.
Hotels & Motels
Keeping the Public Safe in Pools, Spas & Water Features
The Department's Pollution Control Program permits and inspects all public and semi-public pools and spas to ensure compliance with state and local laws and prevent the spread of disease.
Public Pools & Spas
Permitting & Inspecting Railroad Camp Cars
The Department issues permits and conducts inspections to ensure the health, safety and welfare of people temporarily housed in railroad mobile camps.
Railroad Camp Cars
Licensing & Inspecting Retail Food Establishments to Ensure Consumer Safety
The Department's Food & Consumer Protection division licenses and inspects restaurants, bars, retail food stores and other vendors in Allen County to ensure consumer safety and reduce incidence of foodborne illness.
Retail Food
Permitting & Inspecting Septic Systems in Allen County
A properly working septic system treats harmful bacteria found in wastewater and disperses it safely when sewer service is unavailable. The Department issues permits and inspects all new systems in Allen County and evaluates sites to ensure suitability for installation.
Septic Systems
Inspecting and Permitting Tattoo & Body Piercing Facilities
The Department's Food & Consumer Protection division ensures the safety of tattoo and body piercings obtained in Allen County by permitting artists and facilities and conducting regular inspections.
Tattoo & Body Piercing