Get information on accessing various Health Department public records, as well as important documentation like birth and death records and vaccination and medical records for services performed at our clinics.

Paternity Affidavits
Find out how to obtain a properly executed paternity affidavit and get an official copy from the Department of Health.
Affidavits of Paternity
Birth & Death Records
Birth and death certificates for events occurring in Allen County are issued to interested parties with valid identification.
Birth & Death
Phase 1 Environmental Assessments
Get details on available records, fees for printed copies and download the required form to request a records review of real estate property and determine any prior or potential environmental contamination.
Environmental Assessments
Health Inspection Records
Check out our Allen County Health Inspector web app to look up inspection records for restaurants, tattoo parlors, hotels and public swimming pools from your smart phone, tablet or computer.
Health Inspection
Vaccination & Medical Records
Records on medical services and vaccinations provided by the Department of Health are available upon request with valid identification.
Medical & Vaccination
Genealogical Records
The Department of Health Vital Records Division processes genealogy records requests on a first come-first serve basis.
Genealogy Requests
Other Public Records
All public records maintained by the Department of Health are available by request for copy or inspection during normal business hours.
Other Public Records